

Terra Ignota 2025
21.1. – 7.2.2025, Navarino Island, Patagonia, Chile

Radiales is the name of the new project by Terra Ignota, extending the geological research “Intercultural Contact Zone” conducted between 2017 and 2024 in Yendegaia National Park. This project continues the transdisciplinary study as a way to understand this territory and its different forms of interpretation.
The study area focuses on the geological continuity of Yendegaia Bay, specifically the Murray Channel. This maritime passage is located latitudinally between Hoste Island and Navarino Island, and longitudinally between the Beagle Channel and Nassau Bay at Cape Horn, at coordinates 55°00’00.0?S 68°19’49.7?W. As a base camp, we will use the former navy radio station located in Bahía Wulaia.


Atmosférica – Tsonami 2025

XVIII sound art festival Tsonami
14 – 20.01.2025, Valparaiso, Chile

The atmosphere is the threshold where terrestrial and cosmic dynamics intertwine in an ever-changing process. Its gaseous structure shields us from the radiation of space, allowing the development of life and climatic phenomena on Earth. This ethereal envelope, which connects our perception with the infinite, sustains a fragile balance of planetary cycles whose course is beginning to alter today. The atmosphere is the air we breathe, the space we inhabit, the matter through which sound propagates, the interface where the processes that sustain life on the planet meet.

The XVIII edition of the Tsonami Festival arises from the fascination for atmospheric and planetary scale phenomena, from the amazement at the dynamics of the climate, the interaction with the energy coming from space or the way in which these processes define the forms of life and culture in our fragile environment.

We are pround to co-curate this edition together with Florencia Curi and Fernando Godoy.



Contact Zones

Terra Ignota Forum 2024
Facultades de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile

After collaborations with institutions such as the Ethnological Museum Vienna (Weltmuseum Wien) and the Museum of Contemporary Art Santiago (MAC), the first TIF field lab and forum in Yendegaia National Park in March 2023, the geographical mirrored experience with the field lab in Northern Germany (Rügen, September 2023) and the knowledge transfer and training programme at La Leñera Cultural Centre in Valdivia (December 2023), the different lines of activities – which include fieldwork, research, artistic production, mediation and education – now converge in the Terra Ignota Forum hosted by the Universidad de Magallanes in Punta Arenas.

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SONIC ISLANDS – Mirrored perceptions between Tierra del Fuego + Rügen
March and September 2023

SONIC ISLANDS focuses on the various auditory aspects of the TERRA IGNOTA project and is part of TIF 2023/24. We are interested in the meaning of sound as a semantic system and as a form of artistic articulation. Questions about origin, identity, intercultural understanding but also about perception, legibility and interaction with the environment, social processes and structures beyond visually connoted reference systems are the subject of our joint research. Listening and making audible to stimulate changes of perspective in the process of artistic research and knowledge production as well as in communicating to an audience.

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sonotopia – the sonic explorers (2019 – 2021)

edited by Carsten Seiffarth and Carsten Stabenow
out at norient books!

On the occasion of the Beethoven Anniversary Year and the conclusion of “bonn hoeren”, the international exchange project “sonotopia –
the sonic explorers”, commissioned by the Beethoven Foundation Bonn, sent six young European sound artists on artistic expeditions to four cities on four continents. After one-month residencies in Tehran, Dakar and Valparaíso?/?Bonn, each coupling two of the young European sound artists with two local ones, all twelve of them came together for a joint residency and final exhibition in Bonn at the end of the project.


Els Viaene – Ways of Seeing Sound

“Why can’t sounds be visible?
Would the feedback from ear to eye cause fatal oscillation?”
(Pauline Oliveros)

What is sound? What is this phenomenon that we can neither see nor touch, but can touch us?
The Belgian artist Els Viaene has been working for over 15 years with the medium of sound in large scale installations and compositions – the sound experience was always the end product. According to her perception, however, apparatuses, objects and technologies have always stood in the foreground – between her and the sound.
In Ways of seeing sound, she investigated sound at it’s source, approaching it as a physical phenomenon in the moment it is shaped: as vibration, wave, change in air pressure. She analyzed the opto-acoustic experiments collected by John Tyndall around 1876* and reconstructed in collaboration with the Ghent University Museum (GUM) many of the historical setups. Based on that, she developed a series of new experiments and methods to make sound visible and takes us on a journey of perception.
The exhibition for Liebig 12 is a Wunderkammer in which science and sound collide and the concepts of seeing and hearing blur.

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TERRA IGNOTA at Weltmuseum within the framework of the TAKING CARE project

Terra Ignota was invited to participate in residence at Weltmuseum within the framework of the TAKING CARE project, a research carried out between September 20 and November 10. October 2023 Planning to show their results in the “Extinction!?” exhibition that will take place in the Weltmuseum between February 2023 and January 2024. Fernanda Olivares, from the Selk’nam Covadonga Ona Community in Chile, and Nicolás Spencer, artist, participated in the program in collaboration with Claudia Augustat, curator of the South American collection at the Weltmuseum.

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Expeditions in Specific Territory Rostock-Montevideo

In the old secondary ports of Montevideo and Rostock, a paradigmatic characteristic manifests itself: the morphologies of these beautiful centuries-old cities with discreet, elegant architecture and steeped in history; new global ports are assembled on their edges in the Warnow and De La Plata rivers, mechanical monsters standardized by world freight traffic come in scene. This radical encounter between the global and the local appears materialized as a collision. Territorial issue that gives physical clues to the contradictions we inhabit as a new post-industrial and hyper-mercantile era. In 2021 we will place ourselves – understanding post-pandemic care as the new skin of the body – on the uncertain edges.

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CAUS – Content Analysis of Urban Sound, Gdansk

The project was part of Radio Total. Festival of Visual Arts On Air, 4 – 12 September, 2021 in Gdansk, Poland and on air at 91,3 UKF.

The project CAUS is focused on the analysis of urban sound, regarding the information it contains about the city’s identity in past, present and future as well as in the social, environmental and global context. The analysis is carried out by a group of experts who will conduct investigations, theoretical and practical research and experiments.

Artists: Marcin Dymiter PL, Lukasz Pancewicz PL, Julie Myers UK/DE, Carsten Stabenow DE, Krzysztof Topolski PL, Franziska Windisch DE/BE
Curator: Florian Tuercke DE/PL

Some of the observations are documented here >>>


sonic aggregator + sonic placemaking

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of Sonic Aggregator, a collaborative project of Soundtrackcity and Tuned City about sonic placemaking hosted by ABA Air Berlin Alexanderplatz at Haus der Statistik in Berlin – Friday, September 17 – 7pm.
Sonic Aggregator has been long in the making and postponed several times due to covid measures, but finally this project is about to happen! We look forward to meet you at the official opening on 17 September or during one of the events in the week thereafter.  Have a look at the programme and make reservations!

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Terra Ignota – Research Trip III

Almost 100 years ago the artist and explorer Rockwell Kent crossed the Baldivia Chain between Seno Almirantazgo and the Beagle Channel via the Lapataia Valley. His documentation* of the landscape and climate is one of the first descriptions of this passage and serves as an important historic reference. Especially interesting in our context is his perspective as an artist becoming an explorer – sensing, registering, translating and documenting in an unconventional way.

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documentation, documentation_messene

Messene (Mavromati) by BMB con.

Soundscape Series by Gruenrekorder
Germany / 2023 / GrDl 218 / LC 09488

Finally seeing the light of day this summer is a recording over two thousand years in the making. Recorded over the course of three days as part of the 2018 Tuned City festival in Ancient Messene, Greece, BMB con.’s Messene (Mavromati) is a documentation of a series of performances, a record of the duo’s engagement with a specific place: the ancient city of Messene. The city’s ruined amphitheater, crumbling walls, and surrounding mountains are the backdrop for an exploration of sound and space in which ancient architects become active and contemporary participants. (Peter Tracy | a closer listen)


Terra Ignota

We are working on a new long term artistic research and residency project in the southernmost inhabited region of the planet – Chilean Antarctica, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego and Última Esperanza.
More info:


sonic explorers

6 young European sound artists will go for one month on project- and research resindcies to Theran/Iran, Dakar/Senegal and Valparaiso/Chile (2 to each place) to work there together as a group with 2 young local artists and a local mentor. These groups will explore the cities from the position of listening. How do cities sound today? How different is listening in other cultures? In the focus of the project lays the artistic examination of urban phenomena from the sonic perspective, their interpretation and transformation with multiple artistic methods.

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Pankow soundwalks

Peter Cusack, Udo Noll, Martyna Poznanska, katrinem and Sam Auinger have created 5 different soundwalks in the Berlin district of Pankow to take place in April, May and June 2019. You are invited to join the artists on the walks and explore Pankow’s unique sonic worlds. What is heard will be discussed en route and afterwards. Some walks are intended for small groups so will be repeated on several occasions.


sonotopia – the sonic explorers

A residency project in Valparaiso/Chile, Dakar/Senegal, Tehran/Iran and Bonn/Germany by bonn hoeren in the frame of Beethoven’s 250th birthday year 

To open up the world for one’s self or to open up one’s self to the world – both processes commence with listening. Our perception of the world “out there” begins with listening, long before we are born. The act of listening is the foundation for every type of communication and social interaction. Both of the latter have to be learned.
In stereophony, as natural a reproduction of reality as possible is created through the spatial shifting of two sound sources. sonotopia – the sonic explorers interprets this shift in perspective metaphorically.

6 young sound artist (former sonotopia prize winners) will undertake a project and research residency in one of the partner cities in 2019. In each city two local artist and a local mentor will join. In 2020 all groups will come together in Bonn, mirroring the process and work towards a final exhibition.

More info soon – stay tuned!