festival director:
Carsten Stabenow

programme- and production team:
Anke Eckardt, Derek Holzer, Anne Kockelkorn, Gesine Pagels, Carsten Seiffarth, Carsten Stabenow, Florian Wachinger

Susanne Bernstein

editors Tuned City reader:
Doris Kleilein, Anne Kockelkorn

technical realisation:
Robert Dahlke, Christian Malejka, Benjamin Schälike

Autopilot, Guido Möbius, Tim Tetzner

Michael Rudolph, Andreas Töpfer, milchhof

Carsten Stabenow, communication designer, and Gesine Pagels, comparatist, founded the media art festival garage in Stralsund in 1997, which they organised and produced as artistic directors until 2005. Carsten Stabenow works as independant curator and producer of events in the contexts of new media and sound art and realises as a member of Staalplaat Soundsystem internationally his own projects and sound installations. Gesine Pagels works as a dramaturg for a theatre agency in Berlin.

Carsten Seiffarth is musicologist, founder and artistic director of the sound art gallery singuhr – hoergalerie Berlin and one of the artistic directors of the media art laboratory TESLA Berlin. As an independant cuator and producer he initiates and produces internationally exhibitions and projects in the sound art context. http://www.singuhr.de

Derek Holzer [USA 1972] is a sound artist with a background in radio, webstreaming and environmental recording. His work focuses on capturing and transforming small, unnoticed sounds from various natural and urban locations, networked collaboration strategies, experiments in improvisational sound, self-made electronics and on the use of free software such as Pure Data.

Anke Eckardt, trained sound engineer, worked as technical director for the sounddepartement of the Podewil Berlin and as productionmanager a.o. for the “Musikzone” of the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin and the festival club transmediale. Together with Tim Tetzner, Guido Moebius and Julia Naunin she founded the production platform “One” in order to realise her own projects.

Anne Kockelkorn
is architect and freelance author in Berlin. Studied music at the UdK Berlin and architecture in Paris (EAPB Paris-Belleville) and at the Arts Academy Berlin-Weißensee. Collaboration with artists in an international context. Since 2006 author for the Bauwelt, since 2007 member of the editorial board Archplus.