- Altmann, Jürgen / acoustic weapons
- Amphoux, Pascal / sonic effects and other criteria of public space
- Ankersmit, Thomas / spatial perception and directional sound
- Aubry, Gilles / the chant of the buidings – composing with field recordings
- Behrendt, Frauke / Navigating Hybrid Spaces via Sound
- Blesser, Barry / spaces speak, are you listening?
- Bull, Michael / Sound Moves: Media Technologies and Urban Spaces
- Chelkoff, Grégoire / Listening in Motion
- Dyrssen, Catharina / into noise
- Feldmann, Joachim / scientific echo chamber and anechoic chamber
- Ganchrow, Raviv / phased space
- Garcia-Abril, Anton / building for sound
- Hauser, Susanne / the eye, the ear and the big city
- Hepworth, Katie + Curgenven, Rob / TACIT:TACET: milan sound atlas
- Khazam, Rahma / Sounds like Architecture
- Koelsch, Stefan / from the eardrum to the heart
- Kursell, Julia / miniature space of the ear
- Leitner, Bernhard / presentation of the soundspace at TU
- Martinho, Cláudia / counter tactics
- Noll, Udo / radio aporee ::: maps
- Papenburg, Jens Gerrit / Muzak. Zum Hören des Nicht-Hörens
- Quiring, Björn / The Foundational Sounds of Vitruvius
- Rambow, Riklef / Rock’n’Roll ain’t Noise Pollution
- raumlaborberlin / Eichbaumoper
- Schäfer, Olaf + Walter, Urs / drafting with sound
- Sikiaridi, Elisabeth / Morphologies or the Architectures of Iannis Xenakis
- Sinclair, Peter + Duque, Alejandoro + Clauss, Julien / locus sonus
- Sonntag, Jan Peter E.R. / Arbeiten im raum
- Steinke, Gerhard / the room is the robe of the music
- tx – büro für temporäre architektur / wriezener freiraumlabor
- van der Heide, Edwin / field of overtones
- Voogelar, Frans / beyond you-topia
- Watson, Chris / listenining to the city
- Willecke, Barbara / Nauener Platz
lectrures at the Preview Symposium at clubtransmediale, January 08