Kosmas Koteas (GR) – Lawyer (Koteas and Associates Law, Athens)
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This study outlines the evolution of the concept of the rule of law since its first appearance and the first attempts to define it, made by the ancient Greek philosophers, until today.
Within this study, we juxtapose and compare the understanding of the rule of law by the ancient and modern Greeks. In order to understand the evolution of the rule of law it is of major importance to analyse the socio-political circumstances, which, among other things, contributed and still contribute in the formation of this concept from time to time.
To conclude, a major part of this study is the ‘exploration’ of the philosophical aspect of law and its evolution, as well as the influences that affected its formation. In order to attempt this exploration, it is essential to present the ancient and modern Greek philosophers and politicians and their contribution in the public debate regarding the definition and the philosophy of the rule of law.